Tuesday, October 31, 2006

the worst sensation in the world

Possibly the worst sensation in the world is when, after months of elaborate work and great endeavour you realise you've actually built your own booby trap.

Monday, October 23, 2006

dancing round the maypole

If your company is like mine calling it an organisation is probably an abuse of the word. Most companies are like a maypole.

Speaking as someone who works in licensing, I start working for the marketing department. Someone recognises that there's a thing called licensing and they'd like to know more. Once the marketing department gets excited, legal get involved and then accounts, production and anyone else who wants a say.

The various departments all spin round the brand and the more involved i get with them, the less power they have, until eventually if things progress far enough the whole thing ends up logjammed around the all-powerful, immovable centre.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

the show must go on..

Well, yes we exhibited at brand licensing and yes it was, I think, a success. But on what level can success be judged? Answer:

did you actually manage to get a nice looking stand up?

did you actually have people come to the stand who expressed an interest in it?


so that's that then really isn't it. except of course the conclusion is 'once you've done it one year, you probably have to be there next year' and thereafter.....

word 1.0 was probably a lot of fun to create, not sure about word 6.0... feeling very tired suddenly, most probably just need a lie down....